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The Wallstreet Trapper Educates Us On Stocks, Making Yourself An Asset + More

Today's world has changed from the world we once knew. As the whole of humanity, we are continuing to move towards an ever-changing digital world, where people are connected in some way or another, right from their own homes or pocket. Now, more than ever, people are adjusting their lives to make everyday payments or begin to work from home in the digital era. So, what does that mean for you?

Never before has Thomas L. Friedman's best-selling book, The World Is Flat - A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century, been so relevant as it is now. In his extraordinarily prophetic, 2001 book he states, "We are entering a phase where more people than ever before in the history of the world are going to have access to these tools...Hierarchies are being challenged from below or transforming themselves from the top-down structures into more horizontal and collaborative ones." Referring to the "leveling of the playing fields", implying that, in the age of technology, individuals will have the ultimate power, as long as they embrace it. Even going as far as to say that the technology "wave", naturally kills communism.

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