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Time is Money

What would it take for you to start living the life you've always dreamed of? What is stopping you from being that best version of yourself that you dream to be? Self-doubt is a limiting belief system that prevents you from being able to make these kinds of decisions in life quickly. Once we begin to realize that it is really you who holds the power and ability to change, you will continue to fall short of your dreams of success.

"Dreams without goals are just dreams"

Begin to ask yourself daily: What am I spending my time on?

  • Are you watching TV, sitting on the couch, gaining little knowledge or skill or are you reading a book?

  • Are you spending or saving your money, or are you investing it?

  • Are you blaming others that you are not rich or are you blaming yourself and taking accountability for not being a millionaire yet?

  • Do you believe that you know everything and have nothing left to learn or do you admit that you know little and are willing to always learn?

These are questions that determine the difference between a rich person and a poor person. A rich person is always fast and efficient when making decisions that will affect their lives. MONEY LOVES SPEED!!! And here's why... Let's begin to dive into your truth. Want to learn more? Watch the videos below and click the button at the bottom of the page to learn how you can sign up for the Montana Masterminds Academy.

What are 7 things that rich people do that poor people don't?


1. Read books

2. Paid by results not time

3. Take responsibility

4. Focus on investing

5. Continuously learn

6. No limiting beliefs about money

7. Action mentality



Why is it important to understand that money loves speed?

Is your dream to have more money? To have a better life without the worry of finances. To make your dreams of owning your own home come true, or just having a career doing something you love. The big question here is, why haven't you done it yet? What is stopping you?

As people, we sometimes develop around us, a list of "limiting beliefs." A limiting belief refers to a false belief that is gained by someone as a result of making an incorrect assumption about something in their life. To put it simply, you can literally talk yourself out of sucess!

If you live your life with the belief that money is bad, evil, or that you don't deserve it, then those thoughts develop your belief system, and therefore your reality. Growth begins when you start to believe that you do deserve money and begin to change your mindset regarding money and what it is meant for so you can be ready to receive it.

Once we change our perspective about money, begin to seek out our limiting beliefs about money and change them, we can begin to lead a life of true success.


Why Money Loves Speed - Millionaire Mindset Ep. 15

Time is Money


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